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MilliBase name details

Spirostreptus triodus Attems, 1909

951049  (

marine, brackish, fresh, terrestrial
Attems, C. M. T. Graf von (1909). Myriopoden. Denkschriften der medizinisch-naturwissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft, 14: 1-52. Jena, available online at
page(s): 46 [details] 
Type locality contained in Namibia  
type locality contained in Namibia [details]
Sierwald, P.; Decker, P.; Spelda, J. (2024). MilliBase. Spirostreptus triodus Attems, 1909. Accessed at: on 2025-01-29
2017-01-23 08:16:02Z
2017-06-24 20:24:55Z

original description Attems, C. M. T. Graf von (1909). Myriopoden. Denkschriften der medizinisch-naturwissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft, 14: 1-52. Jena, available online at
page(s): 46 [details] 

additional source Jeekel, C. A. W. (1971). Nomenclator generum et familiarum Diplopodorum: A list of the genus and family-group names in the Class Diplopoda from the 10th edition of Linnaeus, 1758, to the end of 1957. Monografieen van de Nederlandse Entomologische Vereniging, 5: 1-412. Amsterdam, available online at
page(s): 139 [details] 

additional source Attems, C. M. T. Graf von (1928). The Myriopoda of South Africa. Annals of the South African Museum, 26: 1-431. Edinburgh, available online at
page(s): 366 [details] 

additional source Hoffman, R. L. (1971). Studies on spirostreptoid millipeds. X. Some taxonomic notes on the tribe Triaenostreptini, specific and generic synonymy, and a new species of Triaenostreptus. Revue de zoologie et de botanique africaines, 83(3-4): 207-225
page(s): 218 [details] 

additional source Krabbe, E. (1982). Systematik der Spirostreptidae (Diplopoda, Spirostreptomorpha). Abhandlungen und Verhandlungen des Naturwissenschaftlichen Vereins in Hamburg (N.F.), 24: 1-476. Hamburg
page(s): 283 [details] 

additional source Schubart, O. (1966). Diplopoda III: Pselaphognatha, Opisthospermophora, Colobognatha. South African Animal Life, 12: 9-227. Stockholm
page(s): 117 [details] 

source of synonymy Schubart, O. (1966). Diplopoda III: Pselaphognatha, Opisthospermophora, Colobognatha. South African Animal Life, 12: 9-227. Stockholm
page(s): 117 [details] 

new combination reference Attems, C. M. T. Graf von. (1914). Afrikanische Spirostreptiden nebst Überblick über die Spirostreptiden orbis terrarum. <em>Zoologica (Stuttgart).</em> 25(65-66): 1-235. Stuttgart., available online at
page(s): 150; note: Triaenostreptus triodus [details] OpenAccess publication
 Present  Inaccurate  Introduced: alien  Containing type locality 

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