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Macrosternodesmus palicola Brölemann, 1908

937967  (

marine, brackish, fresh, terrestrial
Brölemann, H. W. (1908). Description d'un genre nouveau et d'un espèce nouvelle de Myriapodes de France. <em>Bulletin de la Société entomologique de France.</em> 1908(7): 94 -96. Paris., available online at
page(s): 94 [details] 
Type locality contained in France  
type locality contained in France [details]
Sierwald, P.; Decker, P.; Spelda, J. (2024). MilliBase. Macrosternodesmus palicola Brölemann, 1908. Accessed at: on 2025-02-18
2017-01-19 09:46:04Z

original description Brölemann, H. W. (1908). Description d'un genre nouveau et d'un espèce nouvelle de Myriapodes de France. <em>Bulletin de la Société entomologique de France.</em> 1908(7): 94 -96. Paris., available online at
page(s): 94 [details] 

original description (of Titanosoma jurassicum Verhoeff, 1910) Verhoeff, K. W. (1910). Über Diplopoden. 42. Aufsatz: Neue Polydesmiden aus Mitteleuropa und ihre Verwandten. Zoologischer Anzeiger, 36(6-7): 132-145. Leipzig
page(s): 143 [details] 

additional source Attems, C. M. T. Graf von (1940). Myriapoda 3. Polydesmoidea III. Fam. Polydesmidae, Vanhoeffeniidae, Cryptodesmidae, Oniscodesmidae, Sphaerotrichopidae, Periodontodesmidae, Rhachidesmidae, Macellolophidae, Pandirodesmidae. Das Tierreich, 70: 1-577. Berlin
page(s): 171 [details] 

additional source Schubart, O. (1934). Tausendfüßler oder Myriapoda. I: Diplopoda. Die Tierwelt Deutschlands und der angrenzenden Meeresteile, 28: 1-318. Jena
page(s): 169; note: description of species [details] 

additional source Schubart, O. (1960). Über einige Höhlen-Diplopoden der Schweiz und Frankreichs. Revue suisse de zoologie, 67: 561-588. Genève
page(s): 582 [details] 

additional source Spelda, J. (2006). Improvements in the knowledge of the myriapod fauna of southern Germany between 1988 and 2005 (Myriapoda: Chilopoda, Diplopoda, Pauropoda, Symphyla). Peckiana, 4 (2005): 101-129
page(s): 123 [details] 

additional source Kime, R. D.; Enghoff, H. (2011). Atlas of European Millipedes (Class Diplopoda) Volume 1 Orders Polyxenida, Glomerida, Platydesmida, Siphonocryptida, Polyzoniida, Callipodida, Polydesmida. <em>Fauna Europaea Evertebrata.</em> 3: 1-282; June 2011.
page(s): 50 [details] 

additional source Kocourek, P.; Dolejš, P.; Kovaříková, A. (2023). Atlas rozšíření mnohonožek v České republice / Atlas of the Millipedes of the Czech Republic.
page(s): 90; note: Detailed distribution data. [details] 

source of synonymy Jeekel, C. A. W. (1971). Nomenclator generum et familiarum Diplopodorum: A list of the genus and family-group names in the Class Diplopoda from the 10th edition of Linnaeus, 1758, to the end of 1957. Monografieen van de Nederlandse Entomologische Vereniging, 5: 1-412. Amsterdam, available online at
page(s): 336 [details] 
 Present  Inaccurate  Introduced: alien  Containing type locality 


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