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MilliBase source details

Srisonchai R, Enghoff H, Likhitrakarn N & Panha S. (2018). A revision of dragon millipedes I: genus Desmoxytes Chamberlin, 1923, with the description of eight new species (Diplopoda, Polydesmida, Paradoxosomatidae). Zookeys. (761): 1-177.
10.3897/zookeys.761.24214 [view]
Srisonchai R, Enghoff H, Likhitrakarn N & Panha S
A revision of dragon millipedes I: genus Desmoxytes Chamberlin, 1923, with the description of eight new species (Diplopoda, Polydesmida, Paradoxosomatidae)
(761): 1-177
CIM-ID: 7583
RIS (EndNote, Reference Manager, ProCite, RefWorks)
BibTex (BibDesk, LaTeX)
2018-11-30 22:18:03Z
2023-06-26 10:26:03Z

Desmoxytes Chamberlin, 1923 (status source)
Desmoxytes aspera (Attems, 1937) accepted as Hylomus asper (Attems, 1937) (new combination reference)
Desmoxytes aurata Srisonchai, Enghoff & Panha, 2018 (original description)
Desmoxytes cervaria (Attems, 1953) accepted as Hylomus cervarius (Attems, 1953) (new combination reference)
Desmoxytes cervina (Pocock, 1895) (additional source)
Desmoxytes corythosaurus Srisonchai, Enghoff & Panha, 2018 (original description)
Desmoxytes delfae (Jeekel, 1964) (additional source)
Desmoxytes des Srisonchai, Enghoff & Panha, 2016 (additional source)
Desmoxytes euros Srisonchai, Enghoff & Panha, 2018 (original description)
Desmoxytes flabella Srisonchai, Enghoff & Panha, 2018 (original description)
Desmoxytes golovatchi Srisonchai, Enghoff & Panha, 2018 (original description)
Desmoxytes octoconigera Srisonchai, Enghoff & Panha, 2018 (original description)
Desmoxytes perakensis Srisonchai, Enghoff & Panha, 2018 (original description)
Desmoxytes pinnasquali Srisonchai, Enghoff & Panha, 2016 (additional source)
Desmoxytes takensis Srisonchai, Enghoff & Panha, 2016 (additional source)
Desmoxytes taurina (Pocock, 1895) (additional source)
Desmoxytes terae (Jeekel, 1964) (additional source)
Desmoxytes waepyanensis Srisonchai, Enghoff & Panha, 2018 (original description)
Hylomus Cook & Loomis, 1924 (additional source)
Hylomus asper (Attems, 1937) (source of synonymy)
Hylomus cattienensis (Nguyen, Golovatch & Anichkin, 2005) (new combination reference)
Hylomus cervarius (Attems, 1953) (new combination reference)
Hylomus cornutus (Zhang & Li, 1982) (new combination reference)
Hylomus draco Cook & Loomis, 1924 (status source)
Hylomus eupterygotus (Golovatch, Li, Lui & Geoffroy, 2012) (new combination reference)
Hylomus getuhensis (Liu, Golovatch & Tian, 2014) (new combination reference)
Hylomus grandis (Golovatch, VandenSpiegel & Semenyuk, 2016) (new combination reference)
Hylomus hostilis (Golovatch & Enghoff, 1994) (new combination reference)
Hylomus jeekeli (Golovatch & Enghoff, 1994) (new combination reference)
Hylomus lingulatus (Liu, Golovatch & Tian, 2014) (new combination reference)
Hylomus longispinus (Locksa, 1960) (new combination reference)
Hylomus lui (Golovatch, Li, Liu & Geoffroy, 2012) (new combination reference)
Hylomus minituberculus (Zhang, 1986) (new combination reference)
Hylomus nodulosus (Liu, Golovatch & Tian, 2014) (new combination reference)
Hylomus parvulus (Liu, Golovatch & Tian, 2014) (new combination reference)
Hylomus phasmoides (Liu, Golovatch & Tian, 2016) (new combination reference)
Hylomus pilosus (Attems, 1937) (new combination reference)
Hylomus proximus (Nguyen, Golovatch & Anichkin, 2005) (new combination reference)
Hylomus rhinoceros (Likhitrakarn, Golovatch & Panha, 2015) (new combination reference)
Hylomus rhinoparvus (Likhitrakarn, Golovatch & Panha, 2015) (new combination reference)
Hylomus scolopendroides (Golovatch, Geoffraoy & Mauriès, 2010) (new combination reference)
Hylomus scutigeroides (Golovatch, Geoffraoy & Mauriès, 2010) (new combination reference)
Hylomus similis (Liu, Golovatch & Tian, 2016) (new combination reference)
Hylomus simplex (Golovatch, VandenSpiegel & Semenyuk, 2016) (new combination reference)
Hylomus simplipodus (Liu, Golovatch & Tian, 2016) (new combination reference)
Hylomus specialis (Nguyen, Golovatch & Anichkin, 2005) (new combination reference)
Hylomus spectabilis (Attems, 1937) (source of synonymy)
Fiji for Desmoxytes planata (Pocock, 1895)  (origin: alien)
Myanmar for Desmoxytes cervina (Pocock, 1895) 
Myanmar for Desmoxytes planata (Pocock, 1895) 
Myanmar for Desmoxytes taurina (Pocock, 1895) 
Myanmar for Desmoxytes waepyanensis Srisonchai, Enghoff & Panha, 2018 
Peninsular Malaysia for Desmoxytes perakensis Srisonchai, Enghoff & Panha, 2018 
Seychelles for Desmoxytes planata (Pocock, 1895) 
Thailand for Desmoxytes aurata Srisonchai, Enghoff & Panha, 2018 
Thailand for Desmoxytes cervina (Pocock, 1895) 
Thailand for Desmoxytes corythosaurus Srisonchai, Enghoff & Panha, 2018 
Thailand for Desmoxytes delfae (Jeekel, 1964) 
Thailand for Desmoxytes delfae (Jeekel, 1964) 
Thailand for Desmoxytes des Srisonchai, Enghoff & Panha, 2016 
Thailand for Desmoxytes euros Srisonchai, Enghoff & Panha, 2018 
Thailand for Desmoxytes euros Srisonchai, Enghoff & Panha, 2018 
Thailand for Desmoxytes flabella Srisonchai, Enghoff & Panha, 2018 
Thailand for Desmoxytes golovatchi Srisonchai, Enghoff & Panha, 2018 
Thailand for Desmoxytes golovatchi Srisonchai, Enghoff & Panha, 2018 
Thailand for Desmoxytes octoconigera Srisonchai, Enghoff & Panha, 2018 
Thailand for Desmoxytes octoconigera Srisonchai, Enghoff & Panha, 2018 
Thailand for Desmoxytes pinnasquali Srisonchai, Enghoff & Panha, 2016 
Thailand for Desmoxytes planata (Pocock, 1895) 
Thailand for Desmoxytes purpurosea Enghoff, Surachit & Panha, 2007 
Thailand for Desmoxytes takensis Srisonchai, Enghoff & Panha, 2016 
Thailand for Desmoxytes terae (Jeekel, 1964) 
Yunnan for Desmoxytes planata (Pocock, 1895)  (origin: alien)
Holotype CUB, geounit Malaysia, identified as Desmoxytes perakensis Srisonchai, Enghoff & Panha, 2018
Paratype CUB, geounit Malaysia, identified as Desmoxytes perakensis Srisonchai, Enghoff & Panha, 2018
Holotype NBCN, geounit Malaysia, identified as Desmoxytes terae (Jeekel, 1964)
Holotype CUB, geounit Myanmar, identified as Desmoxytes waepyanensis Srisonchai, Enghoff & Panha, 2018
Paratype ZMUC, geounit Myanmar, identified as Desmoxytes waepyanensis Srisonchai, Enghoff & Panha, 2018
Lectotype ZMUC, geounit Myanmar, identified as Desmoxytes taurina (Pocock, 1895)
Holotype CUB, geounit Thailand, identified as Desmoxytes pinnasquali Srisonchai, Enghoff & Panha, 2016
Holotype CUB, geounit Thailand, identified as Desmoxytes takensis Srisonchai, Enghoff & Panha, 2016
Paratype ZMUC, geounit Thailand, identified as Desmoxytes takensis Srisonchai, Enghoff & Panha, 2016
Paratype ZMUC, geounit Thailand, identified as Desmoxytes corythosaurus Srisonchai, Enghoff & Panha, 2018
Holotype NHMUK, geounit Thailand, identified as Desmoxytes delfae (Jeekel, 1964)
Paratype NBCN, geounit Thailand, identified as Desmoxytes delfae (Jeekel, 1964)
Holotype CUB, geounit Thailand, identified as Desmoxytes des Srisonchai, Enghoff & Panha, 2016
Paratype CUB, geounit Thailand, identified as Desmoxytes des Srisonchai, Enghoff & Panha, 2016
Holotype CUB, geounit Thailand, identified as Desmoxytes euros Srisonchai, Enghoff & Panha, 2018
Holotype CUB, geounit Thailand, identified as Desmoxytes flabella Srisonchai, Enghoff & Panha, 2018
Paratype ZMUC, geounit Thailand, identified as Desmoxytes flabella Srisonchai, Enghoff & Panha, 2018
Paratype NHMW, geounit Thailand, identified as Desmoxytes flabella Srisonchai, Enghoff & Panha, 2018
Paratype NHMUK, geounit Thailand, identified as Desmoxytes flabella Srisonchai, Enghoff & Panha, 2018
Holotype CUB, geounit Thailand, identified as Desmoxytes golovatchi Srisonchai, Enghoff & Panha, 2018
Paratype ZMUC, geounit Thailand, identified as Desmoxytes golovatchi Srisonchai, Enghoff & Panha, 2018
Paratype NHMW, geounit Thailand, identified as Desmoxytes golovatchi Srisonchai, Enghoff & Panha, 2018
Paratype NHMUK, geounit Thailand, identified as Desmoxytes golovatchi Srisonchai, Enghoff & Panha, 2018
Paratype ZMUM, geounit Thailand, identified as Desmoxytes golovatchi Srisonchai, Enghoff & Panha, 2018
Holotype CUB, geounit Thailand, identified as Desmoxytes octoconigera Srisonchai, Enghoff & Panha, 2018
Paratype ZMUC, geounit Thailand, identified as Desmoxytes octoconigera Srisonchai, Enghoff & Panha, 2018
Holotype CUB CUMZ, geounit Thailand, identified as Desmoxytes aurata Srisonchai, Enghoff & Panha, 2018
Holotype CUB CUMZ, geounit Thailand, identified as Desmoxytes corythosaurus Srisonchai, Enghoff & Panha, 2018

Differs from congeners in the combination of the following characters; sternal lobe between male coxae 4 thick and ... [details]


Differs from all other Desmoxytes species by the combination of the following characters: paraterga knife-like; ... [details]


Body black or brownish black; collum with 3 transverse rows of setae and setiferous tubercles (4+4 anterior setae, ... [details]


Collum with one row of 3+3 setae (anterior row); paraterga wing-like (not knife-shaped); metaterga 2–19 with 2+2 ... [details]


Metaterga 2–8 with 2+2 tubercles/cones/spines in anterior row and 2+2 tubercles/cones/spines in posterior row; ... [details]


Differs from all other Desmoxytes species by the combination of the following characters; collum with three rows of ... [details]


Differing from all other species, except D. delfae and D. aurata, by having a low degree of elevation of paraterga, ... [details]


Differs from all other Desmoxytes species by the combination of the following characters; sternal lobe between male ... [details]


Differs from all other Desmoxytes species by the combination of the following characters; lamina lateralis (ll) ... [details]


Metaterga 9–19 usually with 2+2 cones/spines (anterior row) and 3+3 cones/spines (posterior row). Similar in this ... [details]


Differs from all other Desmoxytes species by the combination of the following characters; body black or brownish ... [details]


Differs from all congeners by having: metaterga 2–8 with two rows of 2+2 (anterior) setiferous cones and ... [details]


The species has been recorded from Southern Thailand: Krabi Province, Nakhon Si Thammarat Province, Phatthalung ... [details]


It is considered to be endemic species for Thailand [details]


Known only from east Thailand (Chantaburi, Chonburi, Sa Kaeo and Rayong Provinces), in both limestone areas and ... [details]


Known only from Surat Thani and Nakhon Si Thammarat Provinces. All specimens were collected in limestone mountains ... [details]


This species is known only from a narrow distribution range in Phanom district. D. corythosaurus sp. n. was ... [details]


All specimens were collected by us from limestone habitats (the recorded locations in previous papers are also ... [details]


The animals were crawling on litter inside rock holes; some specimens were seen crawling on rock walls near the cave [details]


Known only from the type locality and nearby area. It was found in limestone habitats.  [details]


This species is known only from the Malaysia–Thailand borderland (Kaki Bukit and Thale Ban National Park). It ... [details]


Known only from the type locality in a limestone area. It is endemic to Myanmar [details]


The shape of the sternal lobe between male coxae 4 is variable: the tip is emarginate in the populations from Wat ... [details]


This species exhibits some variation in the gonopods: the tip of process (plm) of lamina lateralis is dentate in ... [details]


The species shows variation on colour of paraterga within a population; yellow in some specimens, yellowish orange ... [details]


The species is aposematic in its vivid pink body. This animal was noticeable by the contrast of its bright colour ... [details]


There is considerable variation in tip of process (plm) of lamina medialis within populations. The process tip in ... [details]


Some morphological variation was found. Thus, in some individuals, the sternal lobe between male coxae 4 is ... [details]

 Taxonomic remark

Desmoxytes aurata sp. n. is morphologically similar to D. delfae and D. perakensis sp. n. in the remarkable orange ... [details]

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