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MilliBase source details

Golovatch, S. I.; Vohland, K.; Hoffman, R. L.; Adis, J.; Mármol, A.; Bachmann, L.; Tomiuk, J. (1998). Review of the Neotropical millipede genus Pycnotropis Carl, 1914 (Diplopoda, Polydesmida, Aphelidesmidae). Amazoniana, 15(1-2): 67-102. Kiel
Golovatch, S. I.; Vohland, K.; Hoffman, R. L.; Adis, J.; Mármol, A.; Bachmann, L.; Tomiuk, J.
Review of the Neotropical millipede genus Pycnotropis Carl, 1914 (Diplopoda, Polydesmida, Aphelidesmidae)
15(1-2): 67-102. Kiel
CIM-ID: 3557
Myr-ID: 4975
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2016-10-04 08:37:53Z
2023-06-26 09:43:07Z

Amydrinus Chamberlin, 1941 accepted as Pycnotropis Carl, 1914 (source of synonymy)
Amydrinus pongus Chamberlin, 1941 accepted as Pycnotropis tida (Chamberlin, 1941) (source of synonymy)
Pachyurus acuticollis Attems, 1899 accepted as Pycnotropis acuticollis (Attems, 1899) (new combination reference)
Pachyurus acuticollis Attems, 1899 accepted as Pycnotropis acuticollis (Attems, 1899) (source of synonymy)
Phinotropis Chamberlin, 1941 accepted as Pycnotropis Carl, 1914 (source of synonymy)
Phinotropis tidus Chamberlin, 1941 accepted as Pycnotropis tida (Chamberlin, 1941) (source of synonymy)
Phinotropis tidus Chamberlin, 1941 accepted as Pycnotropis tida (Chamberlin, 1941) (additional source)
Polydesmus taenia Peters, 1864 accepted as Pycnotropis taenia (Peters, 1864) (additional source)
Polylepiscus acuticollis (Attems, 1899) accepted as Pycnotropis acuticollis (Attems, 1899) (source of synonymy)
Ptyxogon Chamberlin, 1941 accepted as Pycnotropis Carl, 1914 (source of synonymy)
Pycnotropis carli Golovatch, Vohland & Hoffman, 1998 (original description)
Pycnotropis curvata Golovatch, Vohland & Hoffman, 1998 (original description)
Pycnotropis epiclysmus Hoffman, 1994 (source of synonymy)
Pycnotropis falcata Golovatch, Vohland & Hoffman, 1998 (original description)
Pycnotropis goeldii Golovatch, Vohland & Hoffman, 1998 (original description)
Pycnotropis haenschi Carl, 1918 (additional source)
Pycnotropis jeekeli Golovatch, Vohland & Hoffman, 1998 (original description)
Pycnotropis latzeli Attems, 1931 (additional source)
Pycnotropis madeira Golovatch, Vohland & Hoffman, 1998 (original description)
Pycnotropis pallidicornis Golovatch, Vohland & Hoffman, 1998 (original description)
Pycnotropis sigma Golovatch, Vohland & Hoffman, 1998 (original description)
Pycnotropis similis Golovatch, Vohland & Hoffman, 1998 (original description)
Pycnotropis subfalcata Golovatch, Vohland & Hoffman, 1998 (original description)
Pycnotropis torresi Golovatch, Vohland & Hoffman, 1998 (original description)
Pycnotropis unapi Golovatch, Vohland & Hoffman, 1998 (original description)
Pycnotropis urucu Golovatch, Vohland & Hoffman, 1998 (original description)
Pycnotropis zumbii Golovatch, Vohland & Hoffman, 1998 (original description)
Bolivia for Pycnotropis taenia (Peters, 1864) 
Brazil for Pycnotropis acuticollis (Attems, 1899) 
Brazil for Pycnotropis acuticollis (Attems, 1899) 
Brazil for Pycnotropis goeldii Golovatch, Vohland & Hoffman, 1998 
Brazil for Pycnotropis madeira Golovatch, Vohland & Hoffman, 1998 
Brazil for Pycnotropis sigma Golovatch, Vohland & Hoffman, 1998 
Brazil for Pycnotropis subareata (Jeekel, 1963) 
Brazil for Pycnotropis tida (Chamberlin, 1941) 
Brazil for Pycnotropis urucu Golovatch, Vohland & Hoffman, 1998 
Colombia for Pycnotropis flavocarinata Silvestri, 1898 
Colombia for Pycnotropis melanostigma (Silvestri, 1898) 
Ecuador for Pycnotropis carli Golovatch, Vohland & Hoffman, 1998 
Ecuador for Pycnotropis haenschi Carl, 1918 
Ecuador for Pycnotropis mammata (Attems, 1931) 
Panama for Pycnotropis latzeli Attems, 1931 
Peru for Pycnotropis achiraensis Kraus, 1959 
Peru for Pycnotropis curvata Golovatch, Vohland & Hoffman, 1998 
Peru for Pycnotropis falcata Golovatch, Vohland & Hoffman, 1998 
Peru for Pycnotropis inca (Chamberlin, 1941) 
Peru for Pycnotropis jeekeli Golovatch, Vohland & Hoffman, 1998 
Peru for Pycnotropis nitida Kraus, 1959 
Peru for Pycnotropis pallidicornis Golovatch, Vohland & Hoffman, 1998 
Peru for Pycnotropis similis Golovatch, Vohland & Hoffman, 1998 
Peru for Pycnotropis subfalcata Golovatch, Vohland & Hoffman, 1998 
Peru for Pycnotropis tida (Chamberlin, 1941) 
Peru for Pycnotropis torresi Golovatch, Vohland & Hoffman, 1998 
Peru for Pycnotropis unapi Golovatch, Vohland & Hoffman, 1998 
Peru for Pycnotropis zumbii Golovatch, Vohland & Hoffman, 1998 
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